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St Pauls Church, Cornwall, TR18 2NU


Failed To Sell At Auction. Guide: £190,000

Planning Permission For 3 Flats

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU.

Planning Permission has been granted by Cornwall Council, under Ref: PA21/08600 as well as Listed Building Consent under PA21/08601 (both dated 2 December 2021) for the proposed conversion of the existing building into 3 dwellings (2 no. 3 bedroom and 1 no. 1 bed units).

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU.

This poor old house of many memories, weddings, christenings, funerals and much more is looking decidedly sad for itself. What’s more it has FAILED TO SELL At AUCTION. From 35 years doing this, we’ve seen what happens many times before. Often if something like this gets “stuck” as UNSOLD and the price can come down, depending on how keen the owner is to sell.

Were we a little closer (actually John O’Groats to Land’s End for Heaven’s sake) we would be checking out HM Land Registry to see if it was a recent sale and what margin is in this for the seller. Our ballpark opening bid for cash with no mortgage and an expedited transaction (auction terms still apply even with post-auction sales)…


Please note, this is NOT what the auctioneer is saying. It is what we are mischievously suggesting given the FAILURE TO SELL AT AUCTION.

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU

This is a Grade II Listed Building which means you need to be aware of the rules or you could be in more pigeon poo than is in the belfry of this place. Details of the listing can be found: here.

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU

Former St. Pauls Church, Clarence Street,

Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2NU.

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